Okay, so I didnt exactly write about this for my metamorphosis paper, but whatever. Its still related...well, kind of...
Have you ever noticed how quickly a person can change? Especially in high school. I feel like sometimes you think you know someone and then you blink, and its like your talking to a completely different person. I don't know. Sometimes its for the good, sometimes for the bad, but it seems to me that change is always surrounding us.
I couldn't exactly relate to Gregor's change in metamorphosis, but what did make sense was him being outcasted. Sometimes the people you should be able to rely on let you down, and I think it sucks that it happened to Gregor...even if he was a giant bug. Even though it was an odd read, I think that one thing everyone can relate to is feeling out of place.
I like your take on this. We are always surrounded by change and it's inevitable. And it definately sucks when the people you thought you were so close to and could always count on let you down like Gregor's family did to him.
Well written Natalie!
This is a really good blog Natalie! I just went through something like that, where one of your best friends change on you and you dont know why. I think everyone goes through it at some point. This was well related to Metamorphosis. Good job!
well what we all have to realize is that everyone changes. we can't help that because its out of our control.
I've been thinking about this same thing as of late :/. At times it can be laughably pathetic to see happen, but other times (especially when it's your close friends) it's really disheartening an sometimes angering to see. it's a realy shame, but chaulk it up to highschool I guess.
It's probably a good thing, Natalie, that you didn't exactly relate to Kafka's story!
All of you are a point in your life when change has particular resonance. It's a volatile time for y'all. Hopefully nobody will end up a beetle, but you still have college, adulthood, careers, etc. to deal with, on top of the normal high school drama. It's definitely a time of metamorphosis, to be sure.
Cool picture, by the way. It reminds me of Banks, whom we will study next week. Here's his website: http://www.banksy.co.uk/
I know exactly what you mean. I personally don't like change...it always seems to make everything so much more difficult. But sometimes, it can become better after the fact. Good post (:
What teenager woulnd't agree with that. You're correct that sometimes you agree with their change and sometimes you don't.
However, change is a part of being a teenager. It's this lame confusing time when you have to find yourself and who you are. Yes, you will loose friends over it, but if you are happy with who you are then that's all that should matter.
hahaha Love the blog Nat. You are such an inspiration to all!!!
You know, I'm pretty tolerant with change most times, but sometimes it really does bother me. Especially when the people change that once use to to be your close friends. I've realized recently that sometimes it's a good thing to notice and accept change. Sometimes a gift from God if you will. Dwelling on the changing really won't get you anywhere but in a lonely and sad place. But when a person changes for the worse--it's better to try to accept that, and move on the best way you can.
Right now, I'm fricken' glad with the changes I've seen in old friends because it's helped me realize how much better off I am without them. Why would I want friends who constantly trash-talk behind my back, are rude and disrespectful, and want the worst for me? That is why I've come to realize [and maybe you have too! ] that changes that happen for the worse, are sometimes much better for us in the end. Change doesn't always have to be bad -- Although Gregor's case seemed to be quite disturbing and unfortunate!! haha But ya know, changes in friends will always happen-- true friends who truly care will stick around; as with others, who are jealous, inconsiderate and fake--will end up with no one will just have to deal with the mistakes they've made.
Karma. Haha. What a great thing.
Anyway.. yeah okay I've written a lot!
Peace Out love you bye!
Mmmmm I hate when people change.
Sure it can be for the good, and sure maybe if it's for the bad you're better off without them, but just the idea of losing someone due to the fact they've turned into another person really hurts. Change is super hard for me and I hate to see people come and go, but since it's such an unstoppable and unpredictable force in our lives I guess I'm going to have too deal with it.
And you're right, a lot of that change happens in high school, which is why I can't wait to finally move on from it all! =)
Have a good day wifey =)
I agree that we are always surrounded by change. I am always feeling that my friends let me down. I see other people around school that I used to be friends with and they have changed so much that I don't even know them anymore.
I love your take on this one. It is so true. It happens all the time. One minute they will be your best friend and then you will turn around and they don't want to even talk to you. I guess it's high school...even though it sucks. Great blog :)
All I can say is wow! You are exactly right. People do change. It sucks. I agree that I have changed through high school. It was good in a way and REALLY bad in a way.
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