So I loved the screaming/yelling "poem of the day" that we watched.
I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I basically want to find it online so I can watch and get a good laugh in every morning. The guy on the end (the one who slobbered) was definitely key.
I can't really decide if I view it as a poem or not. At first, I would have just flat out said no. But really, who am I to decide? If they want it to be a poem, then I say it's a poem. In some way or another they are expressing themselves, and it clearly must have taken a while to get that entire thing right. If I spent that much time on somthing it would probably make me mad if someone tried to tell me what it was.
I think the best part was they had a sheet in front of them. I mean honestly, what would that say?
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
Lol. I definitely agree with you there. Who am I to judge what is a poem and what isn't. That poem was interesting. I wasn't too into the whole slobbering...but the more power to them if that's their thing.
Geralyn wants me BAD! ;)
I loved this "poem" as well. It was just so different than any other poetry I have read or heard. I was really impressed by the amazing precision and harmony of all the people.
When Mr. Kunkle asked us if we considered the "poem" a poem, I immediately thought yes. To me, it's a song without words. Even if we can't understand what it's saying, the artist was using the medium of poetry to get out his thoughts and emotions.
Trying to define poetry reminded me of when we tried to define text. The definitions of both words are open to interpretation. One person doesn't have the right to exclude a person's expression from the category of text or poetry. Poetry is in the eye of the beholder. It is just one way to express yourself, to get your feelings and thoughts out for the world to see.
I know what your saying when your talking about if it's a poem or not, but I think its each induvidual viewer that can decide if it is a poem or not.
Hey!! How are you Nat?! I was just scanning my list of the other class when I saw your name!! So I thought I would read your blog and see what you have been thinking! :)
The day we watched that poem I came to class late! So I missed the whole thing. However, my class did a reenactment of it for me and I thought it was hilarious. Mr. Kunkle did some yelling, then Alyssa chimmed in, and then Jeff made some wierd noises. They continued these interesting noises for about 30 seconds. I just didn't know what to think! It sounded so strange yet I couldn't help but to laugh. It was definetly poetry to my ears!
Nice Blogging Nat!!
-Rachel :)
I agree, this "poem" was hilarious! But you're right, we shouldn't judge it from what we saw, its their rights to express what they want. good blog!
Haha, i remember you saying how you wanted to listen to this every morning while we were watching it. Seriously who does that? At least it was funny. I LOVED the guy at the end. I really want to meet these guys in person and see what they are really like. Can you imagine being their kid!? HAHA
well have a good day :)
I would have to agree with this. I think it's a poem, and I agree that people who think it isn't should consider how much time people had to put into it.
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