So, I just finished the reading that is due for Friday, and I really like Caucasia so far. This is the first time I've actually gotten into the book for this class, and I am happy because it is making it much easier to read. Its hard for me to even imagine what Birdie has been through in her life. I'm really close with my sister as well, and the longest I have been apart from her is five months, and I thought that was hard. Even though its very different than the situation that Birdie is in, it makes it easier for me to understand how difficult it must be for her.
Plus, the mom just makes me really mad. Half the time she treats Birdie like she is two, and the other half she acts like she is talking to someone her own age. Plus I think she should listen to Birdie about Jim. Even if she is right and he is completely safe, she is being very hypocritical. And also...does anyone know if her mom is a lesbian? Or was with Bernadette? Because I'm pretty sure she was.
So anyway, I like the book and I'm very interested to see what happens next, I'm hoping that Birdie and Cole will get to see eachother soon, but it should be interesting if they do because now Cole is 17 and Birdie is 13, and a lot has changed.
Have a wonderful day! =)
I love the picture! :) I wrote about like the exact same thing haha. I don't think that I've been away from either of my sisters for more than like two weeks. Birdie's mom is a lesbian, at least I think.
Well have a good day :) :)
Yeah that whole Bernadette thing made me nervous!
I was like, "what?! She broke her heart? What's that even supposed to meann?!"
OH dearrr!
But I completely agree with you, The longest I've been away from my sister is probably been 2 weeks and we're super close, I can't imagine 5 months or 4 years! I'd die!
Anyways, have a wonderful day love! :D
I thought that was bernadette, but it wouldn't suprise me, since birdie had a small experience at aurora. Otherwise i agree with your opinion on the book. It is easy to read and it makes the homework barable. Anotation is another story.
I know what you mean. Having to read metamorphosis and slaughter house five was tough. But this book, like you said is so easy to relate to in different ways. I really like that we get to read about them growing up and becoming more mature too!
I think the story is pretty interesting as well. Once you get a way into it, it kind of grabs you. I think the mom's kind of a b**** too because she has abandoned Birdie for Jim and has turned a little crazy.
Oh Natalie You are Quite Delicious.
Ah yes well I can't really relate to ya on the sister thing, sis and I are pretty tight but it's nice sometimes to have a break from her. (She's cranky a lot because of those night shifts) haha
Anyways, Completely agree about liking the book. I love it man. It is a quick read, and there are so many repeating themes in it! I think I'm about done. Cya lover!
p.s. Poopy!!!
cute pic :). I agree that eventhough this book is longer than S-H 5 and Metamorphasis, it is way better and less confusing. The whole Bernadette thing is really sketch and they definitely were together :P
I know what you mean because I also think that this is the best book that we have read so far. I thought it was really cool that you talked about your own sisters and how you can relate to Birdie a little bit about missing her sister. Also, Birdie's mom should just get out of the story because she also makes me really mad and irritated.
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